Disney100 - GWP Box (eCOM ONLY)

¥ 1,000.00
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Collect 100 years of wonder with Disney x Pandora. Our exclusive Disney 100 collector’s box is shaped like Disney’s iconic Mickey Mouse head silhouette, with a shiny silver color finish and a holographic Disney 100 logo on the lid. The inside is lined with soft grey velvet and has dedicated spaces to showcase your Disney 100 bracelet and eight charms, with a debossed Disney x Pandora logo inside the lid. Own a precious piece of Disney history with this once-in-a-lifetime collection, ready to be treasured by you always.
系列 Pandora brand
商品 P11088
尺寸 长(深): 165 毫米
高度: 35 毫米
宽: 160 毫米